GDEPRI Power Control Systems & Equipment Limited (GDEPRI) was founded in 2000, is specialized in making high-tech products and providing quality service forthe automation of electric power system. The company is dedicated to providingcutting-edged products and quality service for its clients and partners, and isalways ready to work for them, face enquiries, embrace challenges, listen forinstructions, appreciate care and enjoy happiness throughout the process.
Motivation of Entrepreneurship
The motivation tostart up the business is to provide safe, reliable and the world-leadingproducts and service to users. The idea is formed when the company was born andhas been growing up, and it will continue to motivate the company to constantlypursue progress and forge ahead towards the future. The company, with both itsindependently innovative products and products with technologies introducedfrom strategic partners, always offer clients its cutting-edged products andexcellent service. The safety and reliability of its products provide a guaranteefor clients to pursue their happy life and achieve great goals.
The Accumulation of Experience
The company isused to learning from past experience and practices, and applying the profoundand fruitful experience and lessons to every details of work today and in thefuture. The company has worked to combine its independently innovative productswith products from other suppliers in the works so as to satisfy thefar-ranging and unique demands of clients. Various products such as electricprotection monitoring systems, power distribution network automation devicesand UPS system have been widely used in various areas such as power grids ofall levels, power plants, railway, petrochemical engineering, metallurgy,hydranltic engineering and urban public utilities etc..
The company willconstantly collect and organize demands and experience from clients so as tolay a solid foundation for future development.
Strategic cooperation
GDEPRI Power ControlSystems & Equipment Ltd (GDEPRI) has always beenlooking for strategic partners all over the world to introduce their productsand technologies in, or provide our products and services to them, to jointlydevelop the market, or for innovate research and technology development, weshare the harvest. We are open to seek every opportunity to develop togetherwith our partners and achieve our common strategic goals.
Core values
We are firmlyconvinced that we are a corporation which takes on social responsibilities, andlongs for long-term development, and that we will pursue continuous progresswith the power of science and technology and human wisdom. We will bear in mindour unchanging belief and core values to understand, help and push aheadeveryone in our team, and regulate our behaviors.
The beliefs are interpreted as followings:
Honesty -Kindness, integrity and sincerity are the cornerstones of everything;
Innovation - Ourvalue lies in constantly pursuing change and creating new values for society;
Dedication – Fulldedication is the most reliable commitment we can make to the future;
Cooperation –Shared beliefs and actions contribute to success of our both causes;
Guarantee with systems
The company setsup and implements various systems such as quality systems, service systems,products research、 development and innovation systems, sales and management systems andincentive systems to ensure our team to provide our clients with constantlyimproved products and service, to motivate our team members to innovateworking, thinking and methods, and to inspire our staff to keep on pursuit ofprogress and development. The science and technology we boast of nowadays is resultof balanced disposition of heroic individuals and team wisdom.
We advocate givingfull play to individual capability, but we praise more highly the developmentof team wisdom within the framework of an aggressive organization. We areforging a precise and stable clock to push us ahead, remind us of thedifficulties ahead and foretell our bright future.
We are aware thatall the things above must be guaranteed with systems, and we are doing it thisway.
Mission and vision
The company aimsto provide users with safe, reliable and world-leading products and service, becomean international supplier in this field, lead the industry with innovativetechnologies and products, build an aggressive and responsible team, create anexcellent working and living environment for the staff, and make every workingstaff have a sense of ownership for the company. The company has the aboveheavy but exciting and encouraging missions on its shoulders, and is forgingahead towards the future. The company isperforming its commitment to the clients, staff and the whole society, and isfulfilling our shared dream with wisdom., WhatsApp: +852 67048440
Address:13th floor, Building 2, Jingguang Collaborative Innovation Center,45 Ruiji Second Street, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, China (510799)